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Author: Larry Cockerham

Ways Short Stories Can Earn You Money

Ways Short Stories Can Earn You Money Short stories can help you earn money in a number of way. The digital age has created a new interest in short, sharp fiction, as the internet generation looks for “snackable”, entertaining content to help pass the time when they are waiting for the bus and so on. Smartphones and tablets have changed the way we consume content. So has blogging. If you want to get your name in front of an eager audience, write briefly and consistently and you should soon develop a fan base. In addition to your blog or site,…

The Basics of Writing Fiction

The Basics of Writing Fiction There are several basic rules when it comes to writing fiction. 1. Character Is Key You need to have a main character that readers can identify with. They don’t have to be perfect. To make them interesting, they do need to have some issues to work through in the course of the novel. 2. Outline Your Plot Write an outline of what is going to happen in the beginning, middle and end of the book. This will give the characters some direction in your novel. It’s okay to change things if your characters or situations…

12 Marketing Tips for Fiction Writers

12 Marketing Tips for Fiction Writers There are a number of ways to market fiction effectively. Here are some of the top ways to sell well: People really DO judge a book by its cover, so make sure yours is as good as anything you would see on a store shelf. Hire a freelancer at to turn your vision of your cover into a work of art. The “blurb” is what goes on the back of the book. The teaser copy can be on the back as well, or on the first page inside the book (you can put…
