fiction writing – Larry Cockerham Pastor, Author, Entrepreneur Sat, 23 Sep 2023 16:41:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 89816878 The Pros and Cons of Entering Writing Competitions Sat, 23 Sep 2023 16:41:51 +0000 The Pros and Cons of Entering Writing Competitions

There are a number of pros and cons to entering writing contests. There are many out there, some more legitimate than others, and some with some very strict rules you need to follow.

There are four main points you should consider when thinking about entering a contest:

* Is it in a genre I want to write?
* What is the cost to enter (if any)?
* What prize will I win?
* Would I be proud to list it in my writing credits if I won?

This is the best way to start considering the pros and cons of entering any contest in particular, but here are some of the pros and cons in general.


1. Making you write to a deadline

There’s no time to waste, so the deadline can help you get more done.

2. Stretching you as a writer

The topics and themes can often be interesting and make you try new things.

3. Increase your prestige

There are a lot of writers out there. Winning a prize in a contest can help you establish credibility as an author.

4. Money and other rewards

It’s always nice to be paid for your work. Plus, even if you don’t win cash, you might have the kernel of an idea you can expand on or use in a full-length work.

5. Getting a publishing credit

If the winners are printed, there is nothing quite like the buzz of seeing your name on the page.

6. Having the chance to submit multiple entries

If you really love the topic and can think of all sorts of ways to go with it, a contest that allows multiple entries allows you to write what you love, plus have more chances of winning.


1. Some really are cons

Watch the fees. They can really all start adding up if you are not careful, with little to show for your efforts.

2. Exclusive submission requirements

Some contests insist that you can’t submit your work anywhere else during the contest, or sometimes even if you win a prize. You should always maintain your rights over your own work whenever possible, and not tie it up for weeks or months on the off-chance you might win.

3. Less than prestigious contests

Some contests are recognized in the writing world, while others are more interested in grabbing your fee. Do your due diligence before writing a single word or paying a penny.

4. Too many rules and regulations

It can be really frustrating to find a contest with a topic you would love to write about, only to discover that for some reason you don’t meet the eligibility requirements. Read the fine print before writing a word. But if the topic really excites you, write it for yourself anyway. Anything that gets the creative juices flowing is always a good thing.

5. Too much formatting, copying or other picky requirements

If the rules about formatting are more than a couple of paragraphs long, skip it. You’re supposed to be judged on your ability as a writer, not a typist/word processor.

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The Basics of Writing Fiction Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:38:07 +0000 The Basics of Writing Fiction

There are several basic rules when it comes to writing fiction.

1. Character Is Key

You need to have a main character that readers can identify with. They don’t have to be perfect. To make them interesting, they do need to have some issues to work through in the course of the novel.

2. Outline Your Plot

Write an outline of what is going to happen in the beginning, middle and end of the book. This will give the characters some direction in your novel. It’s okay to change things if your characters or situations in the book take on a life of their own, but have a general idea of the point of the story.

3. Start in the Middle of Things

“In media res” is a common literary term. It is Latin for “into the middle of things”. It helps get the novel off to an active start. Then you can fill in the back story as you go along.

4. Choose a Point of View That Makes the Most Sense for Your Novel

Some write in the first person (“I”), while others use the third person (“he” or “she”). The narrator can be limited or omniscient (all knowing), giving us information about what is going on with other characters in the book. A third person-limited narrator might not know the whole story, but this can be a good thing for certain genres, such as mystery or horror, with the story unfolding for us as it does for the main protagonist.

5. Use Dialogue to Move the Character and Story Along and Fill In the Back Story

Dialogue can do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to drawing a character, advancing plot, suspense, tension and so on. The conversation between characters can also give us a sense of their past and make them more well-rounded and three-dimensional.

6. Show, Don’t Tell

Here we are referring to descriptions of people, places, and emotions, not to dialogue. When you are showing, you are giving details that all add up to the reader drawing a conclusion about what they are reading.

For example, if you describe a person as, “scowling, fists clenched, panting with fury”, you won’t need to say, “He was angry”. If you say, “The snow was thawing and the first daffodils were just starting to peep through the ground as Amy hurried home to get ready for her Valentine’s date”, there is no need to tell us it’s February in the northern hemisphere.

7. Give the Characters Motives

What drives your characters to do what they do? Even a villain will have some reason. Motiveless evil gets pretty dull after a while.

8. Engage the Emotions

Feel the emotion as you write and your readers should feel it as they read. Don’t make it all about plot. Make the characters real people with believable feelings and reasons for all they do.

9. Write What You Know

Don’t make your character a rocket scientist if you flunked science. Don’t write about a painful divorce if you are happily married with three kids, unless you have a friend who is spilling her guts to you every night on the phone about the terrible time she is having.

10. Revise Carefully

Try to make your work as error-free as possible.

Use these tips to ensure that your writing is as good as it can be. Perhaps your novel will become the next bestseller!

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Questions to Ask Yourself before You Start Writing Fiction Thu, 21 Sep 2023 14:18:57 +0000 Questions to Ask Yourself before You Start Writing Fiction

If you’ve been thinking about writing fiction, there are a number of questions to ask yourself before you start.

  1. Can I write what people want to read?

There are two key aspects you need to think about:

  • Are you a great reader?
  • Are you familiar with the bestsellers in the genre you want to write?

If you are a reader, you should have a good idea of what you enjoy. Chances are that other people will have similar tastes. If you tend to read the top bestsellers in your favorite genre, such as romance, mystery or horror, you will also have a pretty good idea of what sells.

It may sound crass to talk about bestsellers and money, but the fact of the matter is that publishing is a business. You might be disappointed to find out that it has very little to do with creativity or even talent and everything to do with providing a “product” that people want to buy.

  1. Can I write something with broad appeal?

Since product is what it’s all about, you need to consider writing something with broad appeal. A lot of people aspire to write the great American (literary) novel, but the fact is that literary fiction is a small percentage of the book-buying market. If you want to be successful as a writer, a better strategy would be to aim for one of the top genres mentioned above, such as romance (55% of the US market) or mystery (27% of the market). Horror and fantasy are around 10%.

Each of these genres have avid fans, but they also have top writers who command attention every time they release a new book. Nora Roberts is synonymous with romance, but she is also associated with mystery and suspense under her pen name J. D. Robb. Stephen King is the master of horror, but he used to write other novels as Richard Bachman.

  1. Am I prepared to be my own brand?

Even if you use a pen name, you will still have to be prepared to be your own “brand” and take the criticism along with the adulation. It can be intrusive sometimes. Success can actually make it tougher to find the time to write. It can be difficult to write a book and market it, and to not earn a lot of money, but sometimes it can be even harder to suddenly make it big and become the center of attention.

  1. Am I a good writer?

If you haven’t picked up a pen to write a story since high school English, you might want to start small, with short stories and creative blogging, and get some feedback on your work.

  1. What am I prepared to sacrifice to become a writer?

Most aspiring writers think about fame and fortune. They don’t think about the many hours alone working on their novel. Writing can be a lonely business. It can be even tougher if you have a family. You might have to sacrifice sleep, TV time and more to make your dream come true.

Be realistic rather than starry-eyed, and you should soon determine whether or not writing a book is the right move for you.

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12 Marketing Tips for Fiction Writers Tue, 19 Sep 2023 18:10:53 +0000 12 Marketing Tips for Fiction Writers

There are a number of ways to market fiction effectively. Here are some of the top ways to sell well:

  1. A Great Cover

People really DO judge a book by its cover, so make sure yours is as good as anything you would see on a store shelf. Hire a freelancer at to turn your vision of your cover into a work of art.

  1. A Great Blurb and Teaser Copy

The “blurb” is what goes on the back of the book. The teaser copy can be on the back as well, or on the first page inside the book (you can put the blurb there too). These pieces of content are both designed to encourage the browser to read more.

  1. A Great Author Website and Webpage

Be proud of your work and showcase it on your site. Also make it a place where you are accessible, and interact with people through comments, questions and so on.

  1. See Yourself as a Brand

Brands like Coke, Nike and McDonald’s all have a unified marketing plan, in which every ad or other material build on the brand’s image and reputation. In a similar way, see your author name (or pen name) as a brand you wish to present in a certain way, and don’t want to damage or dilute.

If you want to write a different genre, create a different pen name and website or blog for it. For example, writer Nora Roberts is a brand synonymous with romance, and J. D. Robb, her second pen name, is synonymous with mystery and suspense.

  1. Give Interviews

People always wonder what it is like to be a writer. Give interviews and post them at your site.

  1. Attend Publishing Conferences and Writing Groups in Your Genre and Geographical Area

People do business with people they like. Attending live events and networking with publishing professionals, other authors, and aspiring authors, can lead to all sorts of promotional opportunities. It also makes you more visible and shows you are someone who cares about your craft.

  1. Be Charitable

Giving things away may seem an odd way to make money, but “giving back” to new writers or donating your profits to a worthy cause can create a lot of goodwill and show you are a good person, not just a “greedy author”.

  1. Join Writer-Related Organizations

Romance Writers of America, The Author’s Guild and so on can all help raise your profile.

  1. Leverage Social Media

Have a social media account for your writing at all of the top social sites, such as:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • YouTube
  • Instagram

Keep fans up to date on all your news.

  1. Create a Facebook Contest

Contests are a great way to grab attention.

  1. Give a Webinar

Host a webinar about how to become a better writer, and give attendees a special discount on your books. You can do this through PayPal or create a store for yourself at a site like Gumroad.

  1. Get Book Reviews

As soon as your book is done, start gathering reviews for it. They can really make a difference when it comes to sales.

  1. Organize Book Signings

If you have a paper book, organize book signings at bookstores, your local libraries and so on.

Follow these marketing tips and see your sales increase as a result.

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