war – Larry Cockerham https://larrycockerham.com Pastor, Author, Entrepreneur Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:20:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 89816878 Dark Force Invasion https://larrycockerham.com/books/dark-force-invasion/ https://larrycockerham.com/books/dark-force-invasion/#respond Wed, 13 Sep 2023 00:50:37 +0000 https://larrycockerham.com/?post_type=books&p=92 Scientists aboard the deep-space vessel COBE discover a complex of subterranean tunnels on the planet Omicron-2, located deep within the Cygnus region. When they track a mysterious craft to the distant Lalande system, they uncover an alien species intent on depleting the resources of the planet using forced labor. As the Galactic Federated Systems (GFS) battles to regain the system, Dr. Ken Ferguson and Lt. Carla Roessler find themselves becoming deeply attracted to each other. Part III opens with an expeditionary task force bent on destroying the aliens in their own home system along with the liberation of the remaining captives.

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